In urban environments worldwide, the food scene has become essential. With the change in customer behavior, food and gastronomy have more than ever become inevitable for city development, promotion & citizen wellbeing. Cities now have a role to play in developing a qualitative and diverse food offer for the local population & tourists to remain competitive.
Délice Network is a tool for cities worldwide that consider food and gastronomy as a boost for urban economic development and city attractiveness.
The member cities of the network all believe that thanks to their heritage and strong gastronomic culture or their strong food strategy, they can gain impact in terms of city attractiveness, economic development, employment, and general well-being.
Délice Network is the most significant professional network linking food and gastronomy to city development, promotion, and the overall well-being of its citizens. It brings together city representatives involved in implementing food-related projects and initiatives. Thanks to the network, they learn, share, and connect.
Food and Gastronomy are complex topics for city institutions. Therefore, each Délice member has a different approach to what they include and how they can act as public institutions.
This diversity strengthens our network, with cities working on different concepts, projects, and approaches willing to share their experiences with their Délice peers.
All the topics discussed within the network are linked to one of our four fields of action around Food & Gastronomy:
as part of a City Identity
as a boost for Economic Development
as a tool for global Recognition & Attractiveness
to enhance Urban Livability
Délice Network is a French membership-based non-profit organization. (Association Loi 1901)
The Association is constituted of Municipalities from all over the world. Its members are public, private, or public-private organizations representing a local authority.
Délice Network General Assembly comprises all the city members and meets at least once a year to review the actions and finances of the Organisation. The General Assembly elects the Executive Committee members for a three-year mandate.
The Executive Committee acts as the running body of the organization. It defines the strategic line of the Network, controls the activities and results, and keeps the Association's finances under continuous review. The seven Executive Committee members are member city representatives.
The organization's headquarters is based in the founding city of Lyon. The Délice Network director works hand in hand with the Executive Committee to ensure the success and development of Délice Network. The Executive Director handles the organization's daily management with a Project Developer's support.
The City of Lyon initiated Délice Network in 2007 with the intention to invite the political and technical leaders from major gourmet cities to pool their expertise and experiences in the field of Food and Gastronomy.
Founded by the City of Lyon in 2007, Délice Network is an International Network with a unique history and shared values.